About Us

Welcome to the Saint Andrew’s Freedom Forum. We are a community of everyday global citizens who believe in the democratic liberties of freedom of thought, freedom of worship, freedom of speech and freedom from want. We value and cherish the Earth’s rich cultural and spiritual diversity. We strive to raise public awareness on behalf of the countless people whose freedom to enjoy their culture, faith and convictions is denied each and every day.
We are a secular initiative drawing inspiration from the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. While enduring state sanctioned abuse and discrimination, the Ecumenical Patriarchate has conducted itself with dignity and courage. Where the Ecumenical Patriarchate itself suffers the abridgment of human rights and religious freedoms, it has responded by calling for conciliation, tolerance and understanding among all peoples.
Answering that call, we at the Saint Andrew’s Freedom Forum organize gatherings and other educational activities throughout the United States and internationally to bring further attention to the global state of human rights, religious freedom and democratic liberties. We hope you will join us in our endeavor to stand for those whose voices are being silenced by their governments. The Saint Andrew’s Freedom Forum is committed to the idea that – we must all respect our own humanity and that of our neighbors to live in a harmonious and global community.
Please take the time to explore our website and learn more about our activities, including the annual Congressional Saint Andrew’s Human Rights and Religious Freedom Reception.